Program Ads

ads must be high resolution image files (JPEG, Photoshop or tiff) or PDF to appropriate size for ad size

Image Description Size Price
 ad_lg_fp  Full Page  7.5″ x 9.375″ $500.00
 halfpagead  Half Page 7.5″ x 4.5″ $350.00
 quarterpagead  Quarter Page 3.5″ x 4.5″ $175.00
 ad_lg_1-8  1/8 Page(Business Card)  3.5″ x 2.0″ $125.00

Please fill out our form, and upload your ad

Ads are due by Oct 1, 2015 – no exceptions!

Here you will indicate who you are and upload your ad image
* indicates required field

Upload the image of your ad, high res, in the exact dimensions of the ad in jpg format or email to

Acceptable file types: doc,pdf,txt,gif,jpg,jpeg,png.
Maximum file size: 1mb.